Our CONVERSATIONS AROUND NAPLES will take place from the 7th of March to the 6th of June on Thursdays 6-7pm and will feature public talks around the city of Naples and Neapolitan History, Culture, and Literature, delivered by experts in the field. Free entry but limited spaces: reserve your spot by sending us an email.

Our TOMBOLA NIGHTS were inaugurated on the 25th of January and were a tremendous success. Our lovely customers came to Il Corno and played Naples’ own version of bingo, the tombola, while being immersed into a typical Neapolitan atmosphere and getting the chance to win some very special prizes. More Tombola Nights to come so make sure you follow us on our social channels for updates.

Our first SCOPA NIGHT took place on the 22nd of February. We teach our customers how to play, and master, the game of scopa, one of the most popular card games in Italy. After a first trial game, you are divided into small groups and the official scopa tournament begins: the person who achieves the highest score by the end of the night wins a very special prize. All of this accompanied, as always, by delicious food and wine!